Boys / Girls Ages 12 – 18
This program is offered to youth who wish to develop project management and leadership skills. It is a mix of presentation, team activities, project development assignments, off-site projects with area Islamic institutions inshaa Allah
ILIA is training youth on principles of project management on Saturday January 1 2011, participants in the program will have the opportunity to join a team of youth who will act as project managers assisting a Muslim social service, religious or educational organization with planning and managing small projects. Its a great opportunity to learn, give back for the sake of Allah
(SWT) and to get community service credit. Teams which work in a community service project, will enter the Greater Washington DC Region Project Planning Competition.
When: Project Management Workshop, Jan. 1, 2011
Competition Date TBD inshaa Allah
Where: Workshop: Northern Virginia
Nur Center 3431-F Carlin Springs Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22041
*Competition: (Masjid in the DC area – TBD soon inshaa Allah
What: Seven hours of training, begins with a continental breakfast, and includes quizzes, project problems, mock project plan development, team activities, project management training materials, lunch and improved networking with other youth across the region. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Fees: Workshop Early Bird $45 each (Competition additional $25, paid later at time of competition registration).
Financial Aid available – Simply complete our financial aid form and email to to receive a discount code for registration.
Register NOW - Prices go up after 12/24/2010 - Register here -
About ILIA
The beloved Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said in one hadith "All of you are shepherds, and each of you is responsible for his flock".
The Islamic Leadership Institute of America is based on this advice of the Prophet. Our youth programs are designed to instill leadership skills and traits into the participants. We believe that the youth are not only the leaders of the future, but also of the present. Self-leadership qualities are developed at a young age.
Don't miss this great opportunity for your child to join the "Youth Project Management 101 Workshop", where your child will gain insights into key attributes of leadership in a youthful way.
Our programs are developed to ensure the youth retain concepts they learn and enjoy the experience.
For more information about the Islamic Leadership Institute of America email us at
ILIA services are open to all students. ILIA prohibits discrimination against any member of the Islamic Leadership Institute of America community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a veteran. ILIA will conduct its programs, services and activities consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders.
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